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What got you hooked on 914s?

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Post Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:25 am
KLMS Newbie

Posts: 5
I saw a thread on 914World where someone was talking about meeting the owner of the car that got him hooked on 914s over 30 years later. That got me thinking about how I caught the bug.

When I was a kid, there was a guy down the street from us who had a later model (assume 1975) in Laguna Blue. He had a son that was two years younger than me, so I really didn't hang out with him, but I was at their house a few times. Besides the 914, they also had an air hockey table and their own pinball machine in the basement! I was so jealous.
:drool: That was the height of large living to a middle schooler in the 70's.

Post Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:20 pm
SC914 Newbie

Posts: 2
I was taught the basics of standard shift in my dad's stock 74 1.8 in a college parking lot. Then he had me drive home 20 mins away. I stalled a lot in the beginning of the drive, but I quickly figured out what not do and actually drove properly on home.

I wasn't allowed to drive his 914 without him partly because it was his daily driver until I logged enough hours to solo. My dad still has his 74 1.8 to this day.

He regrets not buying a 74 Creamsicle in North Carolina in 75/76 that was on a used car lot when he worked in a Mental Health clinic up in the Smokey Mountains. The only reason he knew about the Creamsicle was because a female colleague asked him to check the car out to see if was an okay buy.

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